Lizards in the Leaves

Rustlings in the green....imagination, art, whimsy

Sep 22, 2005

Pots and Pins

Show with a little bit of tell today. More felted vessels emerging.....little pots, crocheted of handspun, hand-dyed roving, with lids. The handles are open, like hollow tubes. They are 5-7" tall.

Pot for All the Details
(I wanted the handle to dry sort of crumpled/crooked - this piece makes me think of Dr. Seuss. Originally my idea was to create something that expressed my current/perennial dilemma: being responsible for the details of many lives, including several lives of my own! Some days it seems like little sproingy corkscrew details must be popping out of my head....)

Two views of Pot for Keeping Secrets.
(As I looked at this picture, I thought I perhaps should put a little felted ball in the top of the handle, like a stopper, so the secrets won't escape...)

Purple Pumpkin Pot with Ruffle

I made a few more scarf pins for our booth at the Artsfest - it's This Weekend! I also changed the fastener from a wooden stick to twisted copper wire, made little swatches for displaying them.

And there we go.... now I must get back to the details of preparing for the weekend. I can hardly wait to get to that point when I realize that there is no more time left to prepare, that whatever got done is what got done, and that the only sensible thing left to do is to have fun!


At 9/23/05, 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is fun, something new for me to do see your art and be part of your world again


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