Lizards in the Leaves

Rustlings in the green....imagination, art, whimsy

Jun 14, 2011

Casa Picasso Art Camp

This week, I'm bringing weaving experiences to the art camp at my UU church.
 I have a separate, quiet room in which I've set up the loom and the children come to me during the afternoon 'Open Studio' time when they rotate between weaving,  a woodworking project and other projects, including making pinatas. Hanging on the door are the sampler I wove at my Saori intensive and the banner woven by my granddaughter Sophia's kindergarten class at Ouabache Elementary.

 I set the loom up by the green-filled window view.

We've probably woven about 3 feet so far, with two days left to go.  I've had a learning experience in free-weaving myself during this time -- the children liked making inlays that are all twisted and bunched up, instead of just laying the inclusion yarns out straight.  I am loving the look of this and will be experimenting with this technique with my own work.

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