Lizards in the Leaves

Rustlings in the green....imagination, art, whimsy

Apr 13, 2006

Rosemary...for remembrance

"There's rosemary, that's for remembrance, pray, love, remember."
--Shakespeare, Hamlet

My dear friends Don and Meg from Louisiana sent me some beautiful sprigs of fragrant rosemary, an herb traditionally used to symbolize remembrance. There is also a lovely legend about Mary draping her blue cloak over a rosemary bush, and the white flowers turning blue for her.

I want to make some little bundles from this rosemary to hang in the house, as well as to give to some of Patrick's friends. I will also bring these to a women's healing/grieving ceremony that some of my friends are planning for me.

I did some simple crocheting to hold the sprigs together, then made a copper wire hanger.
This first one is hanging on my mantle by the candles I light for Patrick. In the mornings, I greet his picture there with "Namaste" and the hands-together bow and take a moment to envision him surrounded with divine light and love. It's the perfect place for rosemary....for remembrance, prayer, love.
Thank you, Don and Meg - for the rosemary and all your kindnesses...
I have quite a few people to thank for sending me things meant to help me bear this sad journey, not the least of whom is my Secret Pal, Peacock. I will devote my next entries to my gratitude.



At 4/14/06, 3:38 AM, Blogger Peacock said...

The rosemary sprig is wonderful! So simple, and so expressive. :)

At 4/16/06, 6:09 AM, Blogger Luscious Gracious said...

That is my favorite part of Hamlet....the best speech of the best play....Thank you, dear.

At 4/19/06, 9:54 AM, Blogger Jana B said...

I stumbled on your blog one day
While looking up Riverwools
To take a class

I read your words
I saw your pain
It broke my heart

I felt like a voyeur
To see so much
Of a strangers life

I wanted to let you know
Your pain
Is not forgotten


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