National Poetry Month - PoMoSco
Today it begins.
This year, for National Poetry Month, instead of NaPoWriMo (the challenge to write a poem a day) I chose to sign up for PoMoSco, a structured project of the Found Poetry Review.
For this project, the challenge is to earn 30 badges by working with a source text of choice and following a set of particular instructions for finding a poem within the words and phrases of the text. It was within the rules to begin work before April. During the month, we post a poem a day.
PoMoSco - Day 1
Badge: Pick & Mix
Directive: Choose a source text and create a poem from selected words and phrases.
My poem:
The structured lattice
of language is continually
being made and remade
vibrating in one’s mouth.
The breathing body is yours.
Your earthly utterance,
a foraging fearlessly spoken,
is a dangerous magic,
summoned forth
by the exchange of wild wind
and breath.
Abram, David. The Spell of the Sensuous, New York: Vintage Books, 1997. Print.
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