Lizards in the Leaves

Rustlings in the green....imagination, art, whimsy

Apr 1, 2008

Pretty Noro

Noro Kureyon 88 (J)

I like to rewind balls of Noro Kureyon and Silk Garden into cakes.
These are for another Short Row Wedge Wrap I'm making. What a visual delight I experienced with all the the cakes lined up so.

I have another blog I'm doing, part of the City Daily Photo site. There are over 500 bloggers around the world who have committed to posting a photo every day from their cities. It seemed like fun, though the idea of a daily commitment was scary to me. Turns out not to be so difficult if the only requirement is to post a photo.

I'd like to apply a little of that not-so-difficult feeling to this blog and tend it more regularly. So for a bit, I'm going to think of this blog in terms of a photo-and just a few words-a-day.



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