Lizards in the Leaves

Rustlings in the green....imagination, art, whimsy

Jun 21, 2006

Sidetracked & lazy

Just wanted to post a note to say I'm doing well, but haven't posted in awhile because I'm quite engaged in fibery activity. I took a half-day workshop in weaving with a Tri-loom and the instructor let us take home the small practice looms he'd made and...and... I've been a tad obsessed with making woven triangles and figuring out how I'd like to put them together and trying to decide just what I want them to be. And of course, I've got to try out all kinds of yarns and combinations...

That's the sidetracked part.

The lazy part is that I just can't seem to get motivated to take some pictures to post here, but soon I will! I have some lovely spinning completed, and progress on all knitting projects to share.



At 6/23/06, 7:27 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

You say the word "triloom" and don't post pictures?????? Please find some energy because I am truely intrigued.


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