Sep 20, 2012

Accepted? YES!

Three of the Spirit Weaving series were accepted to the ArtsIlliana Fall Exhibit.
 Good for my soul, I haven't made any submission deadlines for a long time.

Finally, finally figured a way in to the novelty yarn challenge I wrote about in my last post - and I would even wear what I'm making! Energy has shifted from repulsion for the yarn to tolerance to acceptance to...well, I won't go so far as to say I love this yarn now - but I'm loving the whole of which it is now part, so it has achieved some redemption.  Will be able to post photos once the challenge winners are announced.

Right now I'm working with a wonderful supportive group of women in a Magical Sabbatical, offered by Athena Perrakis, Sage Goddess. Among other things, we're doing a lot of work around crystals and stones. I was inspired to make this pendant yesterday:

Balance on the Heartbridge, blue kyanite, green kyanite, copper wire, recycled silk ribbon

And all is well. Blessed be.


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