Sep 6, 2012

Novelty Nightmare

My LYS, RiverWools, offered a contest in the early summer, a novelty yarn challenge.

After paying a $20 entry fee, I got to randomly select a stapled brown paper bag which contained 2 balls of novelty yarn which had been randomly thrown into the bag.

 We were given a generous amount of time (a little over 3 months) and generous parameters, and told to go forth and create something amazing and ingenious, something novel with this yarn and our mad skills in knitting, crochet, weaving, felting, etc.  We were allowed to add other yarns to the project- we just had to make use of the novelty yarns in some way in the project.

Sounds, right? 

Well, I'm sure it would have been fun had I gotten any two yarns but these:

That is Zen ribbon yarn on the left, which I have a great fondness for, especially in a more vibrant palette. The stuff on the right? OMGoddess. I have misplaced the ball band, but I'm certain it was called Barbie Pink Muppet Barf.  And trying to get these two to work together????

Oh, I could make something lovely pairing the Zen with these.....but add in the BPMB and:

It's the stark white that seems to be giving me the most trouble. I think I could deal with the chewed-looking pink froth (I kind of like how the color looks against that golden sari ribbon), but that white just leaps from anything else I put it with. 

And I have tried many, many things.

All summer long these yarns have been sitting in a basket in my studio - every so often, I'd look at them, shudder,  and add yarns to the basket or take some away. Occasionally, I'd braid or knit or crochet to see if any of that might help.

Frankly, I hate that pink/white mess so much that it has been truly painful to deal with it. With about two weeks to the contest deadline I've been SO tempted to let this go.

Life is too short to play with ugly yarn.

But there is something in me that wants to redeem it, to test my creative muscle and see if I can figure out some way to make something I would actually use or wear. 
So I am not giving up.



1 comment:

  1. Gross! It looks like bubble gum from the bottom of my purse. I'd like to give some sage advice, but really I have to tell you to cheat. Just substitute another of their yarns and say that's what you had in your bag......No, I didn't really say that.

    Whoever put those yarns in that bag is a sadist. Lock your doors.
