Apr 9, 2024

Eclipse + UFO care

 First, I have to mention the eclipse. I spent it alone, sitting on the earth amid the amazing number of violets that bloom each spring.  I gathered some things to charge in eclipse energy - a quartz point, a nuumite pyramid, a Winged Goddess figure from Brigid's Grove (I participate in the Patreon 30DaysofGoddess ), my favorite Tarot deck, Forest of Enchantment and a pad and pen, hoping I might find a poem in totality.
That was not to be, but I did find some wisdom in the 3 cards I pulled for a Past Present Future reading. I pulled a card in each phase of the eclipse which I saved to look at after.  I won't share my reading, but it was a lovely astonishment to see this card was the pull during totality: 

And, two minutes before totality, I charged myself: 

As for my creative work, I've embarked on dealing with two rigid heddle looms that have been warped and neglected for YEARS....I mean pre-pandemic ago years!

I've gotten one weaving completed,  the last thing on the Cricket loom, with some finishing left to do before it can be hung up.
The top pic is an Ashford that still has a long warp left.  I'm not going to try to continue weaving on that piece, just take it off, and finish it.  Then I will have a nice lot of warp to weave anew.

1 comment:

  1. We just had a weird greenish tint to the sunlight here. I can't sit in the yard because I couldn't get down and up, but mainly because we have a poison ivy infestation. Got to figure out what to do about that. Don't want to poison the yard, but can't pull it all up.

    You are doing such good work.
