Feb 26, 2021

100 Day Project-Days 12 - 24

Playing catch-up here.

day 12
Kantha quilt scraps


day 13
Kantha quilt scraps

day 14
word bit
Kantha quilt scraps, inkjet printed muslin

Finished on Valentine's Day. My momma was love personified and died, fittingly, on a Valentine’s Day. 
I think of her and all my beloved dead.


day 15
Not a pin. A bauble. A bit.
Kantha quilt scraps.

day 16
Deconstructed serendipity
Kantha quilt scrap
This scrap was 7 layers! My favorite bit is the second square.

day 17
Kantha quilt scraps

day 18
Word bit
Hand-dyed cloth and threads by @deblacativa , inkjet on muslin


 Not a one-day project, but finished this day.
Words come from random journal entries printed on cloth, then cut up. 

day 19
Kantha quilt scraps

day 20
Stitched Bit -Portal
Playing with light behind

days 21 and 22
Charm for Happiness with Happy Button
Woven part 3.5” X 4.5”

days 23 & 24
Charm for a Simpler Life

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