Sep 6, 2016

Lichen - a tri-loom scarf

Woven on one of my Hazel Rose triangle looms, which are lovely & pleasing tools. Seven triangles, the 12" loom.

Noro Taiyo Sock yarn.

I came across the stack of finished triangles a couple of days ago and had no idea what I had planned to do with them. I just decided to quickly put them together, wanting them to look quickly put together, the look of something called up from scraps. Perhaps something that put itself together however it could. Finished with an edge of sc, ch1, B hook.

I experimented with the joins. First, a kind of mattress stitch, which resulted in a raised seam on one side.

Then, I did a stitch which was more like weaving the edges together and results in a flat seam on both sides.  I left long ends of yarn at the beginning and ends of each triangle to use for the joins, so the yarns were in the same color area of the tri.


  1. Such beautiful earthy colors. And a nice texture too.

  2. Beautiful! Makes me want to get myself a tri-loom.

  3. Thanks, Kris - it really is a nice texture - the yarn has a lot of cotton content and it's quite drapey.
    And Carol - It's perfect for doing while watching tv. Keeps my hands busy, lessens my desire to snack, and there's the satisfaction of adding to the stack of triangles for a project.
