Aug 26, 2016

Easing back in; process, product

Easing back into blogging more regularly again. It's been years really since I have posted here with any consistency. And I can pretty directly see how Facebook has been the reason. It's easier to post there. More immediate feedback. Deeper social connections. 

The other side of that is reading the newsfeed -  an emotional scattering that I find unhealthy. Sad posts appear below funny ones. Happy news is followed by a shared article that makes me angry. All in five minutes.

I've been Facebook fasting in recent weeks and it's been good for me. And I've found myself thinking more about sharing things here first. 

I won't try to catch up on all that's been going on in my life since I began to neglect Lizards in the Leaves. I'll just start where I am right now. Post a picture. A thought. Maybe some words without pictures. Maybe a picture without words.

I will still be focusing on sharing my creative work. Maybe a little bit of my life otherwise, the challenges I face, the lessons I learn. But mostly art, I think. 

Today I'm doing this: 

Simple circles. Two rounds. 12 dc in the first. 24 dc in the second.
Noro Taiyo Sock Yarn. Size C hook, 2.5mm.

I am actually working from two different balls of the same colorway. I start with one for the center round, do the outer round with the other.

I'm thinking of joining them for a simple necklace. We'll see.
I seem to be deeply in process mode lately. Product is just notes in the sketchbook.


  1. I agree about fb. I need to take a break as well. I'm glad you are going to get back into blogging! Those little circles remind me of the quilt my great grandmother made of little gathered circles.

  2. Love to read your weaving of words wherever you post them.

  3. Kris & Joanne - Thank you so much for reading here. It feels a little lonelier than Facebook, but I really do need to spend more time making things and blogging about them than scrolling through the FB feed!
