Jan 1, 2016

Unmitigated Joy

Instead of resolutions, which I haven't made in years, I am making kind of a 2016 mission statement.  Reserving the right to change it at any time, here is this morning's version:

To be fully in each moment. To savor. To engage with joy as often and deeply as possible. 

Unmitigated joy.
To be centered, grounded. To honor my boundaries and those of other people.  To create expressive and interesting things. To bring creative forces into play wherever I can. To play as if it is my work. To work as if work is play. To caring for my body with love and hope. To love my body and hold it in esteem and gratitude. To honor my body. To speak kindly. To cultivate patience. To make meaning.

My Word For The Year is: 


with another word that wants in on this:          honor

Savor - to enjoy and appreciate completely, esp. by dwelling on it
Honor - regard with great respect

And so it is.

This was my first Instagram post of 2016:

What joy! To get up after finishing my first poem of 2016 and see, for the first time in nearly a week, the sun shining into my house. Shining on a loom!



  1. I think it is good to be thoughtful at the start of the New Year. I have not sat down yet to write my resolutions for this new year. Yes, we must reserve the right to change our ideas at anytime. Mostly, I kept most of my resolutions for 2015. I think I will be more demanding of myself in 2016. The words that resonate with how I feel too are "to honor my boundaries and those of others". Sometimes it is difficult for me to see I am crossing boundaries yet I am always more than aware of when people cross mine. It would be good to be more aware of my actions this year. I wish you a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous New Year, Zann!

  2. Thanks for taking time to read my blog, Panama. I wish you all the best things for 2016!

  3. All praises! Savor and honor, light and joy! YES to deepening the love of being. Happy New Year!

  4. May you have a bountiful, lovely 2016 Akua - I'm so glad to be your distant friend!

  5. I really like this statement! I think I will copy it and read it often.

  6. I am honored-and I honor you!
