Jul 23, 2015

Weaving Bliss

 My life these days: writing in the morning, weaving in the afternoon. Sundays are for submitting my work to journals and contests. Simplifying. Also trying to make sense and productivity out of my wide range of creative interests.

Nicest spring and summer I've had since moving to Indiana 23 years ago. There was actually a spring, with many, many cool days and nights moving into moderate summery temperatures. Even on the days when we've had some heat, breezes have mitigated it.  It has been a horrible time for much of the country all around with flooding and heat. I am trying not to feel guilty at how much I am enjoying the weather here. I concentrate on being grateful.

And I'm outside on the back porch this week, weaving what is a very long (18 foot!!) warp that I managed to wind on to my little 10" Cricket loom. Outside in the warmth and birdsong and breeze. I've been listening to audiobooks. First, David Sedaris. Now I've just finished listening to Natalie Goldberg, a recording of a writers workshop she led in Taos.  It was wonderful hearing the participants read their work. There were moments that I felt that I was IN that class.

I'll be heading outside after I post this,  to continue this weaving, to take a break to write a little, to stop every so often and just be still.


  1. Is the Natalie Goldberg recording online? Or did you listen to an actual physical artifact?

  2. I got it as an Audible audiobook. It's called The Art of Writing Memoir: Finding the Past in the Present
    You can actually do the assignments along with it, too - 10 minute freewrites starting from a prompt. I didn't, but I may go back and do some.
    I like Goldberg on audio - I will listen again and again to her. I have tapes of another book that I've listened to at least 3X while walking. Thunder and Lightning, I think - or maybe Wild Mind. Isn't that terrible I can't remember which one...
