Apr 6, 2015

PoMoSco-Day 6

PoMoSco - Day 6
Badge: First in Line

Create a poem using the first lines from poems in one poet's collection.
 I used Ted Hughes' Collected Poems,

My poem

In A World Where All Is Temporary

I loved working on this one. But I completely misread (and still can't figure out how I did) the instructions and thought we were to compose a poem using only the titles  of another poet's poems. That was very hard, but I did it.  Only to discover my error.

Many of Hughes' poems are titled with the first line, so that made it somewhat easier....still, it was tough. 

Here is the poem found in error.  As I worked, it became very, very personal. A poem about my son's death in March of 2006.


After moonless midnight,
a knock at the door.

The scream. Long screams,
smell of burning,

earth-numb bones,
the howling of wolves.

The sea grieves all night long.

The day he died he called,
speech out of shadow, a memory
turning out unfinished mystery.

March morning unlike others
I woke in the bed of the rains

Collision with the earth
has finally come.

Existential song:  starlings
have come.

Glimpse the new world.
You drive in a circle, work

and play in a world
where all is temporary.

Each new moment
my eyes look back.

Everything is waiting
Everything is on its way

to the river.


1 comment:

  1. You didn't misread it at all. You found the perfect poem for you. It's stunning. The best so far this month, I think.
