Nov 28, 2014

Needlefelting an Advent Spiral

I have long been enchanted with Waldorf-inspired handcrafts and have made my share of gnomes, gnome huts, fairies and other assorted fiber goodness.

Our homeschooling and household journey was definitely charged with a great deal of Rudolf Steiner's thinking and the approach to the spiritual through celebrating and observing nature, as well as  the Christian festivals of the year.   I don't find this incompatible with my Pagan observances of the Wheel of the Year.  It all  brings me closer to peace and light and Spirit.

When we brought the traditions of Advent into our lives, this whole season came alive for me and filled with meaning.  From my perspective, it's all about Light. And warmth. I remember thinking that I could continue to observe Advent in these ways even after my children were grown and living far away. And that turned out to be true.

But now my granddaughter shares these rituals with me - the building up of the nativity scene, adding elements week by week; the lighting of a new candle each week; the songs, verses & stories shared.

It fills my heart with joy and my granddaughter loves the familiar rituals - unwrapping the same stones & crystals that her father did, singing carols & ringing our special Advent bell.

She doesn't like change much, but I hope she will like this addition to our celebration: a needlefelted Advent spiral with twenty-four stars to travel to its center.  I found the inspiration for it here.

I was very excited that I am such a craft packrat that I already had a lovely piece of thick blue wool felt, and roving in the perfect colors, so I could just start it right away and have it ready for the first week of Advent. 

In the blog to which I linked, she uses a little felted apple to move along the stars.  I think I am going to try to make one of Anna Branford's sweet pregnant Marys for our guide.   (When you click on that link, browse around her blog - if you love this kind of handwork as much as I do, you will feel like you just found a treasure chest!)


Editing to add: I did make a Mary Great with Child!  A smaller, simpler one than on Anna Branford's site. Just perfect to take us on the journey through the stars to Christmas Day!


  1. I still have a little peach-colored fairy made of felt and wool you sent me years ago. Coraline plays with it now, but I'm always kind of on top of her when she does so it doesn't get damaged. I treasure it, and so does she.

  2. I love hearing that! I vividly remember making white wool angels for all of the Cult one year -- those are pretty ephemeral, though. Of course I still have my UUllry (?) pins!! and that chunky Triple goddess.
    Sending you a giant hug!!

  3. This is so beautiful... I love the pregnant Maria! Thanks for inspire me for the Christ As crib!
    Best regards from Germany

  4. Thanks for the kind words, Karin.
    I am still using this spiral Advent calendar each year!
    all the best,
