Dec 29, 2013

Year-End Review

2013 has been a weird, floaty year for me.

 I find myself reluctant, unable even,  to engage in one of those written year-end reviews that so many people find a prerequisite to creating intentions for the new year.

 I know that it's useful and have done it before, but it's not happening for me.  What I am drawn to do is read my 2013 journals.

 Have printed out all 37,000+ words (78 pages in size 10 font) of my "Personal Journal" file in MacJournal, as well as the file I call "PoetryNotes."  The latter is 119 pages, but only 18,000+ words.

That's because the entries look like this:


September 18, 2013 8:41 AM

grief-bringers and the grief-stricken

suspicious epiphanies



My poetry notes are meandering word-association rivers.  Lots of white space to float in, rearrange themselves, make startling marriages.  This journal is the point of conception for almost all my poetry.

Perhaps in reading the private & poetic records of my year,  I will be able to grasp the essence of it.

)O(  bright blessings

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