Feb 4, 2013

Brigid Bundles for Imbolc

My primary, most-loved  Imbolc ritual is fiber-related.  For years, on Imbolc Eve (dates of Imbolc differ with various sources, but I go with the night of Feb. 1)  I tied a couple of ribbons on the climbing rose bush by my back porch. The story goes that Brigid will 'bless them in Her passing.'  And the ribbons would become special additions to intention-setting and healing work in the coming year.

Last year, I read something about setting out pieces of cloth in the same way and for the same purpose. So I made bundles of blue cotton tied with green silk ribbon, blessed them through an Imbolc ritual in my CUUPs group, gave some away and set the rest out on Imbolc Eve. I also began left out a blue wrap (in honor of Brigid's mantle) which I wear for meditation and ritual.

Over the years, I've developed a bond with a particular bush in the yard - and this is where I choose to leave my Brigid Bundles.  How fitting for Brigid that it is a Flame Bush!

In any case, I loved having  pieces of sacred cloth to work with through the year - I made pouches and spirit dolls, headache cloths...and used the ribbon to tie precious things.  This year I was first drawn to making some bundles of soft, fraying plain muslin, with sari silk ribbons.

 Then I rolled some more colorful ones.

I smudged them with sage and went out in the dark to set them in the bush.

Last year, I awoke on Imbolc to find the bundles in a world made mysterious with dense, swirling fog.
This year, I found them dusted with an overnight snowfall, accompanied by many tiny birds perched in the top of the bush, which flew off as I approached.


I look forward to whatever work calls me to use this cloth in the coming year.

Blessed be!


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