Jan 11, 2013

Year of the River Scarf

Here in Terre Haute, IN, we have kicked off a yearlong series of art, poetry, and education activities to honor the Wabash River, our watershed and the importance of water to all life. A celebration of the elements Water and Earth.

I am diving into this community event with joy.

I've long wanted to explore water in my poetry and writing, especially after we experienced so much difficulty with water - both in the flooding of Honey Creek in 1993, when we waded out of our apartment in the southern part of the county and in the widespread disaster of the June 2008 flood. In between we had leaky things, and numerous clean-ups of rainwater in the basement - far more home/water challenges than I ever had dealt with in all my 40 years in South Florida!

I am busy reading about water in general and water spirits and myths. I'm reading about the Wabash and my watershed specifically. Making notes, jotting down images that come. I'm immersing myself in this project and maybe it will be behind most of the creative work I do this year.   In words and fiber, water will be flowing.

In the kind of synchronicity I love, I am taking a yearlong e-course called Apothecary Circle. It began with a Water Challenge for January - all about drinking more water and going for optimal hydration.

How perfect!

Meanwhile, here is a piece I was working on in late 2012, finished up this week and realized it, too, is a perfect launch of my personal work for Year of the River. 

Here is a River scarf:

It's a free-range knitted piece, based on directions from Jane Thornley, provided in her 2012 Inspired Knitters Club. Four or five different yarns, weights, textures and a bit of sari silk ribbon.

Comes with a nice blue shawl stick and will be on sale today at Passion Window Gallery, the little shop I'm working with in downtown Terre Haute. If you're in the area, stop in and try on a River.

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