Oct 7, 2012


Taaaadaaa!  I did it! I used That Yarn, That Awful Yarn and made something I will really wear.

What I needed was to steep myself in my art voice - think about my aesthetic, the notion I have that I make things to wear in dreams and fairy tales.  Fairy tale thoughts - the themes of the impossible tasks and challenges - make straw into gold, sew a dozen shirts for swans to turn back into brothers.

I very nearly gave myself permission to let this go, but I did that earlier this year with the 2012 International Freeform Challenge, and I have been alternately okay with that decision and filled with regret.

And then I was  in a fairy tale with the challenge of making this loathed yarn into something lovely and having to do it by a certain time. It became important that I complete this, because I knew that doing so would break a spell I've been under, a pattern of too much letting-go, too many unrealized creative dreams.

So, here is Trellis, a fairy tale wrap:

I added two additional yarns, Araucania Liwen, a thick/thin alpaca/wool and Knit One, Crochet Two Sprinkles, a fine glittery green yarn.

With the Liwen, I knitted the shawl on #17 needles, with random yarn overs and random knit and purl stitches.  I made a 3-Square Shawl, though I didn't create the squares in the manner of the one to which I linked. I did put them together in that way. Interesting to me was that the loose, lacy structure of the squares did not result in a pointy middle back when worn, but winds up settling itself in a nice curve, which is the shawl shape I prefer (something about a big arrow pointing at my butt does not appeal to me.)

I had a vision of weaving That Yarn in and out of the lace trellis, so that the fluffy bits would resemble roses (or any flower- too late to be picky.) I had the whole back completed when I stepped back and didn't like the way the pink and white yarn between the fluffy bits was looking. Soooo....I painstakingly pulled all that out and embarked on cutting fluffy bit by fluffy bit, and tying each to the trellis, one by one. Much better.

I then wove the green sprinkles yarn throughout. Its effect is very subtle and does not stand out, but does add to the effect I wanted, I think.

I finished off by crocheting around the edges with the Zen ribbon yarn that was the other yarn I had to use. Into the stitches along the neck and opening edge, I wove a lightly twisted strand of all three embellishing yarns together.

Trellis tied for third place in the contest, and won me something very precious: the energy for future art that comes with successfully completing a challenge and getting my work into the world.
