Jul 17, 2012

Pocket Loom

When I went to Asheville, I was thrilled beyond reason to see Earth Guild's bricks and mortar shop right in front of me. I ordered from them a lot before eBay and before we got a yarn shop here in town. They have a special place in the biography of my stash.

I absolutely had to buy something from them in person and was suddenly overtaken by a desire to get a drop spindle and some fiber, which I found and then I discovered, tucked away on a shelf all by itself this small loom called a Pocket Loom. 

Now, I have several small looms. Ahem, that is if several can mean a dozen... With the exception of my triangle looms and the squares that go with them, I rarely use them and often don't finish what I start on them.

But this loom just completely called to me, so I bought it. 

And I'm so glad I answered its call.

I began working with it right away when I returned to my sister's house in Sylva. I got up early before anyone else and began to weave in her beautiful sunporch. In Asheville, I'd bought a cotton yarn for warp. I had packed little as far as fiber supplies, but I did bring a quart-sized Ziploc with a bunch of tiny leftovers, thinking I might make a few freeform scrumbles. Perfect for use with the Pocket Loom.

As I wove, I felt that I wanted to make this first weaving as an offering to the space, to mountains, to her land that was so peaceful and welcoming.

So this is going to hang like a prayer flag, in the memorial arbor she's creating. The twig came from Timberlake.  Blessed be!

I immediately started a second weaving.

For the first one, I  used one warp  end per slot. For this second one, I wound the warp with two ends per slot.
 I worked on this by Conley Creek at Timberlake Campground while talking with my brother.  It's full of the spirit of that special place and the joy I had of being with family on the trip.

And now it hangs on my front door...

 Blessed be!

(Oh, and the loom is made by Good Wood Looms and you can find them here.  They are beautifully made and a pleasure to work on. Even though it says the pages haven't been updated since 2007, they are still making and selling these looms and more. I wrote them to make sure.)



  1. I WANT ONE! Oops. Did I shout? I love what you've made so far on your loom. I could probably finish short projects like that. I may have to buy myself a birthday present.

    I'm so proud of you for traveling. <3

  2. Do you add the twigs after weaving? How?

  3. Yes, I do. I knot the top fringe around the twigs, then tack it down along the back side. It is a little fiddly, but I really like the twigs. They are very much a part of the whole.

  4. The twig is a perfect touch. I can see adding a few handmade beads made from earth, or seeds or pods at the ends too. Oh the possibilities. This is lovely.

  5. Hi,
    I just came across all of your lovely weavings. I'm so inspired to try something like this with making a small weaving using little branches. But first, I am wondering, could I use cotton string to start with the warping? I already think I have to use cardboard to start with for a loom, but I just wanted to try my hand at weaving. Your weavings are all so nice and I have spent nearly an hour just looking at everything.
    Thank you very much.

  6. An, absolutely you can use cotton string for warp! Any fiber that can withstand the tension of being warp can be used. I have seen wonderful pieces done on the simplest looms, including cardboard.
    Thank you for looking at my work and for your kind words!
    I encourage you to weave with whatever tools you have at hand - the act of creating brings joy!

  7. Thank you so much Zann for answering my questions. I so appreciate it! And I now look forward to giving weaving a try. You've given me hope in this fine art. Take care and have a very nice day. An

  8. Thank you so much Zann for answering my questions. I so appreciate it! And I now look forward to giving weaving a try. You've given me hope in this fine art. Take care and have a very nice day. An

  9. Hi Zann,

    I'm sorry but I just wanted to ask you another question. I hope you don't mind. I started weaving on a little piece of cardboard, just to get used to the method, and I'm wondering--when I get to the end, is there any special method you could suggest on how to finish it off? I know I have to weave my ends in to the back but is there a way to make the back look just as nice as the front? I hope this makes sense. Something tells me I'm not doing something right. I'm using up little bits of yarn and sometimes I have just one row of a color so the ends are sticking out. I know now I will need a lot of practice.
    Sorry for all the questions.
    Thank you so much,

  10. Ann, no apologies necessary! I'm guessing that you are changing yarns at the edges of the weaving, leaving ends sticking out there?

    Some people leave those deliberately, knotting a few together just as you knot the fringe at bottom/top. Some people put beads on them.

    Here is someone's blog post on changing yarns. She prefers the overlap to occur near the selvedge (edge), but I like the change in the middle because I do like the slub and texture.


    Hope this is helpful!

  11. Thank you Zann for writing me back and for the helpful link. It's very interesting. And yes, I'm changing yarn at the edges of the weaving and they are sticking out. It's rather messy at the moment. Guess I'll see what happens when I get to the end. I don't think it will be much fun weaving those ends back in a bit but I'm learning as I go.
    Thanks again.
    Take care,

  12. I bought this loom years ago and would like to pass it along to my granddaughter, but I've lost the directions and needle. Any suggestions on where to obtain these? Thanks!

  13. I cannot find my instructions, but I will keep looking. If I find them, I can scan and send you a pdf. It isn't hard to warp - you wind the warp thread around the whole loom, fitting it into each slot, as wide as you wish. Then you tie the beginning and end of the thread together on the back. You can double and even triple the wind for each slot to create a finer weave.

    As for the needle, google: Susan Bates weaving needle. They are about 5" long and perfect for the Good Wood loom.
    I hope your granddaughter enjoys weaving!

  14. Thanks! Do you wrap all the way around the loom (front and back)? Or do you just wrap around the slots? Wrapping around the whole loom seems to be a waste of yarn.

  15. Yes, all the way around the loom, although if your slots are deep enough, you could wrap around them - I would have to actually make the ones on mine deeper. It would be a waste of yarn going all the way around, but I do long, braided fringes as part of my pieces, so it's not a waste for me.

  16. These are so beautiful. I don't suppose you sell them on Etsy or elsewhere? Or, give lessons in a workshop? I hope you say Yes to both questions. But one more, about technique. The warp seems to have several colors in it. How is that? Do you dye it? Or, can it be bought like that? I have never done weaving, but am tempted to try. Thank you so much for postng your lovely art.

  17. Hi Pam - Thanks for the kind words! I just can't seem to get my act together enough to put things in an etsy shop. I have exhibited my small weavings at a local gallery and sold at art fairs, though. You have made me think about etsy once again. Which means I have to figure out proper packing for shipment, etc. That may be why I haven't done it yet!
    I have taught weaving on small looms at my local yarn shop, tri-loom and a Saori-inspired class - Adventurous Weaving On Rigid Heddle. I don't suppose you are local to Terre Haute, In?
    As for the warp yarn - it was a multi-colored yarn, but I can't remember just what yarn.
    Thanks again for visiting my blog and taking time to comment. I encourage you to explore weaving - there are many options with small looms like these!

  18. Thanks so much for your reply. I live in a Chicago suburb, but don't drive, so am not really local. Sure would like to take a workshop with you. I hear you re Etsy, but hope you consider it. I didn't realze you could use yarn for the warp, thought you could only use cotton or linen. Just ordered a book on beginning weaving, so maybe I'll feel confident enough to give it a try.
