Nov 25, 2011

On The Needles: some ripping to do

I was so happily coming to the finishing of another Florabelle cap, when I noticed something wonky.
I discovered that I had somehow picked up an extra stitch.

Well, I know exactly how. When you are working on double points, and have a lot of stitches on them, it's easy for that left needle to slide under the yarn between stitches at the end of that needle.  If you're not careful (i.e. knitting while talking to visiting granddaughter then watching a jazz piano video your husband has invited you into his study to watch in near dark) you might find that for four rounds you had knitted into that accidentally picked up stitch.

I had a flare of hope that I might be able to drop that stitch back to where I picked it up and do some adjusting of that extra yarn, but seeing just how much was extra extinguished the hope flare pretty quickly.

Any rage irritation I might feel upon having to rip back four rounds is tempered by remembering the way Stephanie the Yarn Harlot patiently (if gnashing her teeth) manages to go back and fix much more egregious mistakes*, mistakes that in a less patient, less skilled knitter's life (mine) would be fatal to the whole project.

So I'm off to patiently rip back and redo those rounds.

* for a real repair saga, read these Yarn Harlot posts about a sweater she dealt with while on her recent book tour (scroll down in the entries, she writes about the tour first, the knitting calamity at the end):

In Which There is a Little Trouble  (begins with scorching her almost-finished sweater)
In Which Baltimore Brings It  (and she tempts fate by proudly posting the fix of the scorching)
When in Chicago (posts a picture of a miscrossed cable astute readers have pointed out & promises to fix it)
In the Pews in St. Louis   (she CUTS her knitting & performs mysterious magic to fix the cable - I don't do cables, I have no idea what she did, but there's lots of pictures of the process)
On Leaving Texas (Apparently another astute reader suggests she fix the cable on the back, too. She does)
A Little on the Side  (here she reports she has kicked Gwendolyn's [the sweater] arse & it's DONE.]

If the Gwendolyn saga isn't something by which to measure most knitting tribulations and persevere in dealing with one's own bagatelle of a calamity, I don't know what is.


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