Oct 3, 2011

National Spinning + Weaving Week

What a glorious autumn day here in Indiana! It's all the cliched wonder of a cloudless blue sky and russet leaves.  AND I just discovered it's National Spinning and Weaving Week.

On some level, I must have known it was coming - why else would I have spent some time last week turning this noisy hooligan of a space:

into this serenely waiting space:

And fitting, too, that I will be teaching a new Riverwools  weaving workshop at week's end, Adventurous Weaving / Freestyle Techniques for the Rigid Heddle Loom, a Saori inspired workshop. So many people have gotten rigid heddle looms here, I thought it would be a wonderful way of passing along the Saori joy. We'll be having creative fun doing a sampler with inlay experiments and and clasped weft work.  Here are some pictures from the sampler I made as I thought about doing this workshop.

I believe I will bring my rigid heddle loom up from my basement studio and weave outside today!

Where will you be spinning and weaving* this week??


*if  reports on such activity involve strong drink, must also include a spinning wheel, drop spindle or loom.

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