Oct 8, 2011


On Wednesday, I posted wordlessly a picture of Lily:
Lily 2011
She's come to live with us.

 Yes, she looks very much like Clover:
Clover 2006
Very much.

It's all very mysterious and rather a shock how this happened so quickly.
But it did.

We found her at the local Humane Society shelter.
At first, I didn't even want to consider having another dog. Then I didn't want to consider having another dog that so resembled Clover. Then I had an epiphany of sorts.  I realized that lots of people like a particular breed, say Golden Retrievers. They have a succession of them, and they each surely resemble the others. 

They found her early in September. Four blocks from my house. Two blocks from where Clover began following me home 12 years ago.

Mysterious. We joke that Lily must have been on her way to our house when she was intercepted.

We joke, but kind of believe it.

We'll try not to expect her to be Clover.  She is Lily.  Lily with the polka dot ear. And we're just getting to know who she is.


  1. Life with its sorrow and life with its joys, and in acceptance comes
    blessing and more joy. Thank you for your words of inspiration and hope.

  2. ah - your new one...

    I believe they come back. I do.
