Sep 6, 2011

Garage Sale Find - $2 for a bag of....

...nearly 100 year old artificial silk cord for embroidery and couching.
 Love The Google! I was able to search and find information on Collingbourne Mills, even the patents held by Albert B. Collingbourne of Elgin, Illinois.  You can actually download a copy of his 1927 patent for Artificial Silk Floss. 

I was actually trying to find out just what the artificial silk was made of, but the patent was no help. It was not for the composition of artificial silk, but for his special twisting process used to make embroidery floss.

Another interesting thing (to me, at least!) was that there was apparently a Silk Association of America objection to Congress (found in a book on merchandise misbranding bills)  about the many artificial silk products that were labeled in a misleading way, so as to make people think there was silk in the threads and flosses when there was not.

In any case, I found nothing definitive about my artificial silk's fiber content, but it's lovely and shiny, so I'm guessing it is rayon, maybe a rayon/cotton blend.

I have no idea what I'll use this for - it seems to be in great condition - but freeform work comes to mind, or using it as inlay inclusions in a Saori weaving.  Or maybe I'll give some to my daughter who is using recycled and found objects in jewelry she's making.

Hidden deep in the middle of the pile of cord in the bag was this little tool, an "art needle" for "French embroidery." It's dated 1922 and it's all there with it's various-sized needle punches and the original instructions, too.
This is a whole other Googling opportunity!  What a sweet find...

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled onto the same item - "Directions for the Art Needle for French Embroidery, Pat. Feb. 21, 1922" - along with the small, crumpled manilla envelope with needles, but, without the hand tool that the needles fit into. If you would like these, let me know and I will gladly mail them to you. Regards from beautiful Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
