Jul 5, 2011

Finished: Kusha Kusha

Finished this the other day.
The Kusha Kusha scarf made with Habu Textiles' silk stainless steel and fine merino yarns. I used a dark purply merino and navy silk stainless.
 Finished scarf before felting.

 Part where the merino & silk stainless ends and you start knitting only with the silk stainless.

 That same part after felting (and I decided to felt heavily.)

The whole scarf, drying. It will be like wearing a sculpture, I think.

If you're on Ravelry, take a look at all the amazing ways people have knit Kusha Kusha here. If you are not on Ravelry, join! If only for the opportunity to see how a pattern looks in a wide variety of interpretations.

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