Apr 21, 2010

....a fiber art note

I promised a fiber art thought or two amid all the poetry of this month.

Rest assured, while I’ve only posted poetry so far, my days are abundant with fiber work and thoughts.  I can hardly imagine more perfect days. I begin with writing and then move on to working on my 2010 Freeform Challenge piece, then for a break, work on some knitting designs.  And to sustain me during all this bliss,  there are blackberries with honey, CaraCara oranges, pomegranate tea...

I have had some wonderful tool acquisitions this month - thanks mostly to the $200 gift certificate at Halcyon Yarn that was my prize in the Handwoven Not Just for Socks contest.

One thing I got was a Journey Loom, a loom that you can break down (with weaving-in-process), stow in a special shoulder bag, and take to special places for weaving in woods or park or by the sea...

 Journey Loom, before assembling for the first time

 Journey Loom hardware

All the hardware stays together inside a little organza bag in a stiff paper cup along with a weaving needle (the needle card is also a shuttle!) all stashed in a slightly larger organza bag.   A cup, a bag inside a bag, elements that make the assembly of the loom a ritual.

Journey Loom, assembled, with shed stick and carrying bag

Now go take a look at the site for Journey Looms, called Weaving a Life. You’ll see why I’m enchanted with its possibilities.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I hadn't seen that before!
    Another thing for the wish list :-}
