Mar 19, 2010

a good bumpersticker?

Last week, just before teaching a triangle loom weaving class, I was talking about it with Sophia and she said, I want to learn to weave! 
And I said, well, of course - I will definitely help you learn to weave.  And would you like to learn to spin? 
And she said, Yes! 
Then I said, Do you want to learn to knit and crochet?
And she clapped her hands together and said:
"I want to do EVERYTHING yarn!!!"

So.  The fiber indoctrination program is working....


  1. Beautiful work Zann! And it doesn't get much better then a grankid who wants to learn to do it all!!

    i want to get more oranized and serious about my printmaking too. i ran off a schedule of print exchanges and exhibits for this year and plan to enter 10 to 12 events this year.
