Feb 9, 2010

Begging the Blog's Forgiveness

Normally I don't care for blog posts that bemoan lack of blog posts. Today I'm making an exception to say I'm sorry I haven't spent much time on blogging here because I've mostly been connecting with the world and friends through Facebook.  With the current changes, Facebook has become a worse mess to me than the clutter issues I deal with in my real life space. Ugh! So, neglected blog, I'm begging your forgiveness.  I'd like to make big promises about regular and interesting postings.  But I won't.

One thing I've felt is that I haven't had enough fiber art content here recently, though I am working on several things.
 In January, I worked hard to create an application for the Indiana Arts Council Individual Artists Grant Program.  I was very pleased to have completed it and gotten it in early for a draft review. I received some useful feedback on places where I could make my application stronger.  I took all the advice and got the grant in several days before the deadline. 

Applying for the grant was very useful to me - it forced me to think about my work and the direction I want to go.  I got new insight into my own vision and goals.  Whether or not I get the grant, the process of applying for it was an invaluable experience.

I've asked for the grant in order to buy a portable Saori loom.  I have a picture of it placed where I see it every day. I think it's useful to visualize it, hold the image of it being here in my home.  Here's a picture of it, maybe you can visualize it in my home, too!

And aside from seeing the picture every day, I'm letting go of the grant...I won't hear about it until the end of June. 

Meanwhile, I'm working on some short row pieces and an entry for the Interweave Handwoven "Not Just for Socks!" contest - a challenge to create something woven with sock yarn.  I was actually already working on such a piece when I saw the contest.  We'll see if I can complete it and deem it worthy of entry.  I won't post details about it quite yet, except to say I'm using Noro Kureyon Sock Yarn as the primary yarn, with a little bit of Shibui and Claudia's HandPaint.

I can say no more.

Upcoming also is the 2010 challenge from the International Freeform Crochet Guild.  No clue as to what I'll be doing for that. Deadline is the end of April, so I've got some time to mull it over.

Also, I am taking one of Annie Modesitt's online courses in Combo Knitting.  Just started last week and am finding it an interesting way to understand knitting stitches and am looking forward to learning her method for knitting cables w/o a cable needle.  The monthlong class includes videos, pdf handouts, email correspondence with Annie and 2 live chats a week. 

Finally, I'm immensely excited about Jane Thornley's Inspired Knitter's Club which I joined last month.  So far I've received 2 fat pdf's with wonderful ideas and suggestions for knitting 'free-range.' I know this is going to have some great effects on my work - and there is a wonderful synchronicity, the second installment focuses on rocks and geological inspiration, and I have been working along those lines with my Shaman's Stone pieces.  More in my head than manifested yet, but it's great to have Thornley's ideas to throw into the mix.

1 comment:

  1. OOh good luck with the grant! I love the look of those Saori looms. One of my friends has lent me a knitter's loom and I'm just about to experiment with a few new things after purchasing some books. Will this fiber stuff never end! I look forward to seeing projects on your loom!
